Even if it doesn’t quite make sense right now.

When you’ve been stuck in a series of seemingly never ending bad situations, it can feel like there’s no way out. Deep down inside you may want more, but after awhile it’s practically a figment of your imagination, as if it doesn’t actually exist.

Dead ends suck the life out of you. The majority of your free time gets spent dwelling on it. You can’t even muster up the strength to do anything else besides soothe your sorrows and it leads you to make other self sabotaging decisions.

Misery also loves company. They don’t call it a generational curse for nothing. How do you even start to break free when you’ve been conditioned to have faith in a particular type of mindset or behavior? Your mere desire will be met with resistance from all sides, especially by the people closest to you.

I’m here to remind you that there’s a whole new world out there filled with endless amounts of possibility, besides what you’re currently experiencing. The best part is that the minute you quit settling for less than you deserve, it literally sets off a ripple effect and an inner shift begins to happen.

You can have peace and be at ease for once. We just have to fight to make better choices going forward. It’s all up to you and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.

Love from, Janelle Ryan 😘